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Consultancy For Design Of Replication Mechanisms Of The Solutions Implemented In The Livinglabs In The Galapagos Islands, Exchange Of Experiences And Regional Dissemination (EXPIRED)

Solicitud de Expresiones de Interés

Información general

País:   Ecuador
Número de Anuncio/Contrato:   SC-MF002
Fecha de publicación:   9 de Mar, 2022
Límite (hora local):   29 de Marzo, 2022 - 00:00
Organismos de Financiación :   Agence Française de Développement - Agencia de Financiamento
Lengua original:   Español

Datos para contacto

Dirección:   Av Amazonas 3655 and Juan Pablo Sanz
Antisana Building 1, 10th floor
Quito, Pichincha 170150
Teléfono:   +593-990297752
Correo electrónico:   mgranda@mentefactura.com



Documentos de licitación y ficheros adjuntos

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Texto original

Expressions of interest for Consultancy for Design of replication mechanisms of the solutions implemented in the LivingLabs in the Galapagos Islands, exchange of experiences and regional dissemination

Eligibilit des Soumissionaires: Consulting firm, non-governmental organization, study office, non-profit entity, research center or academic research entity with at least 10 (ten) years of experience executing energy efficiency projects and/or efficiency policies energy in the CELAC region. Experience: Preparation of public policy instruments aimed at sustainable development and energy efficiency. Projects in which technology transfer related to climate change has been carried out. Projects to strengthen the capacities of officials of government entities on issues of energy efficiency or climate change. Projects for knowledge management, dissemination and dissemination of research results in the energy and environmental field in the region. Experiences in project scalability, development of strategic project plans and their sustainability plans. Execution of projects in areas of interest of this consultancy in Ecuador, preferably in the Galapagos Islands. 

Consultoría para Diseño de mecanismos de réplica de las soluciones implementadas en los LivingLab en las Islas Galápagos, intercambio de experiencias y difusión regional

Appel à Manifestation d'Intérêt


Dossier d'appel d'offres (1)

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Informations générales

Pays: Équateur

Numéro de l'avis/du contrat: SC-MF002

Date de publication: Mar 8, 2022

Date limite (heure locale): Mars 29, 2022 - 15:00

Agence de financement: Agence Française de Développement - Agence de Financement


Eligibilité des Soumissionaires: Firma consultora, organización no gubernamental, oficina de estudios, entidad sin fines de lucro, centro de investigación o entidad académica de investigación con al menos 10 (diez) años de experiencia ejecutando proyectos de eficiencia energética y/o políticas de eficiencia energética en la región CELAC.


• Elaboración de instrumentos de política pública orientados al desarrollo sostenible y a la eficiencia energética.

• Proyectos en los cuales se haya realizado transferencia de tecnología relacionada al cambio climático.

• Proyectos de fortalecimiento de capacidades a funcionarios de entidades de gobierno en temas de eficiencia energética o cambio climático.

• Proyectos de gestión de conocimiento, difusión y divulgación de resultados de investigaciones en el campo energético y ambiental en la región.

• Experiencias en escalabilidad de proyectos, elaboración de planes estratégicos de proyecto y planes de sostenibilidad de estos.

• Ejecución de proyectos en ámbitos de interés de esta consultoría en Ecuador, de preferencia en las islas Galápagos.

Langue d'origine: Espagnol


Adresse : Marianita Granda Leon


Proyecto Living Lab de Edificación Sostenible

Av Amazonas 3655 y Juan Pablo Sanz

Edificio Antisana 1, piso 10

Quito, Pichincha 170150


Téléphone: + 593990297752

Adresse électronique : mgranda@mentefactura.com

Site Web: http://mentefactura.net/


71400000 - Services d'urbanisme et d'architecture paysagère

73110000 - Services de recherche

90720000 - Protection environnementale

71600000 - Services d'essais techniques, services d'analyses et services de conseil

Dossier d'appel d'offres et documents joints

Sollicitation: Documento con instrucciones para la Expresión de interés (191 KB; Mar 8, 2022)

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Texte original

Para consultar el texto completo del aviso, favor descargue el documento adjunto

[Disclaimer: The below text is Machine Translated. We are not responsible for the accuracy of content. For accuracy,please refer to the text in the original language as stated above]

Consultancy for Design of replication mechanisms of the solutions implemented in the LivingLabs in the Galapagos Islands, exchange of experiences and regional dissemination
Appeal to the Manifestation of the Internet
Dossier d'appel d'offres (1)
Return to the list of warnings
General information
Country: Equateur
Notice/contract number: SC-MF002
Date of publication: Mar 8, 2022
Date limit (heure locale): Mars 29, 2022 - 15:00
Finance Agency: Agence Française de Développement - Finance Agency
Eligibilité des Soumissionaires: Consulting firm, non-governmental organization, study office, non-profit entity, research center or academic research entity with at least 10 (ten) years of experience executing energy efficiency projects and/or efficiency policies energy in the CELAC region.

• Preparation of public policy instruments aimed at sustainable development and energy efficiency.
• Projects in which technology transfer related to climate change has been carried out.
• Projects to strengthen the capacities of officials of government entities on issues of energy efficiency or climate change.
• Projects for knowledge management, dissemination and dissemination of research results in the energy and environmental field in the region.
• Experiences in project scalability, development of strategic project plans and their sustainability plans.
• Execution of projects in areas of interest of this consultancy in Ecuador, preferably in the Galapagos Islands.
Language of origin: English
Address : Marianita Granda Leon
Sustainable Building Living Lab Project
Av Amazonas 3655 and Juan Pablo Sanz
Antisana Building 1, 10th floor
Quito, Pichincha 170150
Phone: + 593990297752
Electronic address: mgranda@mentefactura.com
Website: http://mentefactura.net/

71400000 - Services d'urbanisme et d'architecture paysagere
73110000 - Search services
90720000 - Environmental protection
71600000 - Technical essais services, analysis services and counseling services
Dossier d'appel d'offres et documents joints

Sollicitation: Document with instructions for the Expression of Interest (191 KB; Mar 8, 2022)
Download the document(s)
original text

To consult the full text of the notice, please download the attached document

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