Welcome to AFD/dgMarket

Búsqueda Avanzada

Selection of a consultancy services provider for the implementation of a technical assistance programme in sustainable finance (EXPIRED)

Solicitud de Expresiones de Interés

Información general

País:   Internacional
Ciudad/Localidad:   Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Brasilia, Buenos Aires
Fecha de publicación:   30 de Ene, 2023
Límite (hora local):   17 de Febrero, 2023 - 18:00
Organismos de Financiación :   Agence Française de Développement - Agencia de Financiamento
Compradores:   MULTI - FONPLATA
Eligibilidad de Licitadores:   Relevant experience, based on:
- The contract sizes;
- The nature of the services;
- The technical area and expertise (climate finance, sustainable finance, environmental & social risks management, equality w-m / gender, banking sector, project management);
- The location (in the Client’s countries);
- The type of Client (multilateral / regional development financial institutions).

Technical expertise based on:
- Qualifications
- Experience in relevant technical areas
- Experience with multilateral development banks, public or private financial institutions, and/or development organizations
- Skills and availability of in-house technical back-up experts provided to the on-site experts
- Local representatives/partners
- Languages (Spanish, Portuguese and English)
Lengua original:   Español

Datos para contacto

Dirección:   Raphael Lenzi
Alianzas Estratégicas
SBN, qd 1 BL L, 5 andar
Brasilia, Distrito Federal
Teléfono:   +5541999462523
Correo electrónico:   ucae@fonplata.org
Sitio Web:   http://www.fonplata.org



Documentos de licitación y ficheros adjuntos

  • Anexo (221 KB; 18 de Ene, 2023)
     Descargar documentos

Texto original

The Services of the Consultant shall consist in providing support to the Client in the implementation of AFD’s credit line to FONPLATA, as well as the integration of environmental, climate and social issues into FONPLATA’s strategy and operational cycle.
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